Everyone knows that finding a renewable source of energy is crucial to wean the world off fossil fuels and cut carbon emissions, but what are we willing to sacrifice for clean energy?
Everyone knows that finding a renewable source of energy is crucial to wean the world off fossil fuels and cut carbon emissions, but what are we willing to sacrifice for clean energy?
With unemployment up in the double digits, Obama made jobs the main focus of his State of the Union speech. And Fast Company made jobs the main focus of this infographic.
Parliament has released the latest details of MPs expenses claims.How do you display a complicated set of numbers on the story of the week? See how guardian.co.uk did it
Medical marijuana is legal in 14 states, and 12 others have legislation pending. Although you are required to provide proof of residency for a particular atate in order to qualify for medical marijuana use
Badqat from daily.likeme.net has made a interactive map; should help determain the states.
Traditionally blogging is seen as the activity of choice for online teens and young adults, informing the online world of their every thought and idea, be it social problems or their theories on who was really behind 9/11. However it seems that blogging is no longer the pastime of the young (who have instead been drawn to simple and quick social media networks) and has instead risen in popularity among older adults.
www.ngonlinenews.com has clearly explained blogging: Not for the young?
First time in 65 years the Academy Awards has ten films contending for the Best Picture statue. Wow, that’s twice as many movies as before; how can we make sense of all of them. Of course you should see all ten films and make an informed decision, or just read what the candler blog has to say about them.
In the meantime candlerblog.com have parsed a bit of data and laid it out for you in colorful glory. I’ll let the graphic speak for itself, so take a peek at candlerblog.com
South African Kulula airlines' did new airplane paint jobs. Called Flying 101, it shows all the elements of the aircraft over its entire surface, from the nose cone to the tail's rudder, going through the gallery and the toilet.
Windows 7 continues to build on the tablet capabilities that we first saw on Windows XP. Amanda from igadgetlife.com have an infographic that details some of the new (and improved) tablet features that you will find with the latest from Redmond, Windows 7.