Total Refugees by Country of Origin
This map shows total refugees by country of asylum or residence and total refugees by country of origin.
Total Refugees by Country of Origin
This map shows total refugees by country of asylum or residence and total refugees by country of origin.
Click on the photos below to read about individual donors. compiled a list of the largest American charitable contributions of 2009.
Medical marijuana is legal in 14 states, and 12 others have legislation pending. Although you are required to provide proof of residency for a particular atate in order to qualify for medical marijuana use
Badqat from has made a interactive map; should help determain the states.
Click the image to see the interactive version
This map shows the percent of total renewable water resources originating outside the country.
Just two years ago, surpluses were predicted by 2012. How accurate have past White House budget forecasts been?
This map shows total renewable water resources by country and per person.
Digital Native Map Changing with technology.
A Generation on Fast Forward
Meet Wen-Jay, 24, and her dog, Wuji. They live in Brooklyn, New York and are part of a generation called Digital Natives, or NetGeners. They've grown up immersed in digital technologies and there's evidence they're being affected in ways unheard of before computers and the Web. And their parents -- sometimes called Digital Immigrants -- are still getting accustomed to their hyperconnected world.
But we all feel digital media's impact on how we think, work, learn and interact with one another. Will these changes have a positive or negative effect on us? Will Digital Natives have a different kind of brain than Digital Immigrants? How does the emphasis on the visual, and on visual interaction, affect our relationships and our sense of self? Should we worry about these things at all?
Learn more -- click on different parts of Wen-Jay.
This world map shows number of mobile cellular telephone subscriptions by country, per 100 people